Fake-Spotting – How to recognize an original Louis Vuitton bag!
Especially in the case of designer bags, such as Louis Vuitton, many buyers fall for fakes again and again, as the fake products usually entice with cheaper offers and the difference cannot usually be determined immediately by the customers without prior knowledge. In order to protect you from such annoying purchases, we will tell you in the next few weeks in our Fake Spotting which details you must pay attention to with the different brands in order to prevent a fake purchase.
Start with one of the most famous designers ever – Louis Vuitton. The French fashion label was founded in 1854 and has been one of the most popular brands worldwide for over 150 years. This is also the reason why more and more fakes of the luxury brand are circulating on the market and millions of profits are made from them. However, we at Prelovee think that you should not fall for the Louis Vuitton counterfeiters any longer and have summarized the most important facts that indicate a fake Monogram Canvas bag.
1. Vendor
Unlike some other labels, you can only buy new, original Louis Vuitton products in their own stores or in the luxury brand’s online shop. So if you find a supposedly good offer on another website, this could be the first sign of a fake, so stay away from it. It is more difficult with vintage products, as both fakes and original products are circulating on the Internet. Therefore it is important that you only buy from shops that check the authenticity of the items in advance, such as our partner shops.
2. Material
The most well-known pattern of the label is the Monogram canvas pattern consisting of flowers and the logo of the designer brand. It is striking that the Monogram canvas bags are not made of leather, but of vinyl-impregnated cotton fabric, which is printed with the monogram. The biggest difference to leather? The material is more resistant and not so sensitive to dirt. While the material of fakes is mostly shiny, the original looks rather matt and the structure runs horizontally. Another detail, the material of the original bag only looks solid when new and becomes softer with increasing use, while fakes usually keep their solid state.
3. Monogram
In the originals, the colour of the monogram is a subtle beige, while counterfeits can usually be recognised by the strong to yellow colours. Another detail that can provide information about a fake product is the orientation of the pattern. For example, in an original bag with a continuous pattern, the Louis Vuitton monogram can be read correctly on one side of the bag and upside down on the other side. If the monogram runs diagonally to the seam you can expect that it is not an original.
4. Edges
With the canvas bags, the pattern is rarely cut off on the Louis Vuitton lettering, but mostly on the flowers, which are also present in the monogram. With many fakes, however, the pattern often ends with the writing of the luxury brand.
5. Leather applications
All leather applications as well as straps and belts of the original bags are made of real leather and in terms of colour from a light beige tone. Fakes, on the other hand, often look artificial, as mostly imitation leather is processed or the leather is dyed. The seam of the originals is also protected by a dark red sealant. In the case of fakes, this is often missing completely or, in the case of imitation leather, the edge of the seam is generally very smooth. Crooked seams, dirty threads or a label sewn in crookedly also indicate a fake.
6. Stamping
An important detail by which you can also recognize a fake is the Louis Vuitton embossing, which can be seen in all originals. (see picture) With fake products, however, this is often written incorrectly and dirty or not even present at all. Original bags also have a brand engraving with „Louis Vuitton“ on the zippers, except for vintage products made before 1990. An unclean workmanship or engraving on the zipper also gives an indication that it could be a fake.
7. Louis Vuitton Code
The Louis Vuitton data code provides information about where and when the bag was actually manufactured. However, it is important to note that it was not until 1980 that it was usually stamped onto a leather label or onto the lining of the bag.
We hope that these tips will help you with your next purchase and that you will not fall into the trap of the counterfeiters. You are also welcome to browse through our Louis Vuitton products and soon you will have your new and original favourite piece of the hip luxury brand in your hands.
Our bestselling Louis Vuitton bags
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Here you can choose your beloved one. If you want to search for other original articles, you may be interested in Prada, Chloé, Hermès, and Chanel original bags spotting.