Fake-Spotting – How to recognize an original Prada bag!
We continue with our Fake-Spotting series because this week everything revolves around the popular luxury label Prada. Just like the brands Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Chanel, or Gucci, the traditional brand Prada is repeatedly misused by counterfeiters. In the following, we will tell you which characteristics you must pay attention to in order to avoid a fake purchase.
1. Logo
Almost every Prada bag has the logo on the outside as well as on the inside of the bag. You should take a close look at the „R“ in the logo because the notch on the second leg of the „R“ is missing on all originals. This feature is often overlooked by counterfeiters and can quickly expose fake bags. On many Prada bags, the logo is also often found in the famous triangular shape. This can be on the front, side, or back and the letters and symbols are always in silver or gold and slightly raised.
2. Authenticity Card
When you buy an original Prada bag, you will always receive an Authenticity Card with some features and the item number. The card is white, credit card-sized, and has a magnetic strip. Make sure that the card is also filled out with the appropriate data because a „blank“ card is no proof of the authenticity of the item. Also, compare the filled-in details on the card such as color and material with the bag you want to buy. If there are discrepancies, it is quite likely that the product is fake.
Therefore, always ask for the Authenticity Card when buying a second-hand bag. When buying online, you can also ask for photos showing the card. In addition to the Authenticity Card, in many cases, you will also receive a brown item card, which is enclosed in a brown envelope. The Prada logo is engraved on the card as well as on the packaging and not only printed on it. The information on the Authenticity Card and the item card must also match 100%.
3. Metal applications
Many, but not all metal parts such as buckles or zipper zippers contain the lettering „Prada“. If this is present, pay close attention to the workmanship, because in original lettering the letters are clearly separated and neatly engraved. With fakes, these often run into each other and the engraving is usually unattractive. By the way, another feature where you can unmask a fake is the metal feet on the bottom of the bag. These must always have exactly the same distance to the edge of the bag and should always be the same size.
4. Metal and leather signs
Almost all Prada bags have a metal or leather label inside the bag. The background color of the metal plate is usually identical to the color of the lining or is very similar to the color tone. The corners are slightly rounded and the letters on the shield always match the other applications of the bag. For example, if the bag contains silver metal parts (zipper, buckle, …), the lettering on the metal tag is also silver. On the square leather shield, there is a metal button in each corner, which is in turn in the color of the other metal applications. For bags with textile lining Prada uses the same color for the leather shield as the leather bag itself. If the inner lining is made of leather, the color of the leather shield is identical to the color of the inner lining. The signs also always contain one of these lettering: „PRADA MADE IN ITALY“. „PRADA MILANO“ or „PRADA MILANO DAL 1913“.
Our bestselling Prada bags
Do you finally want to fulfill your dream of owning a Prada bag? Here you’ll find great second-hand models with a guarantee of authenticity and a bargain alert. Have fun browsing.
And don’t forget that we have bags from the most prestigious brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Stella McCartney, Marc Jacobs, and much more.
Here you can choose your beloved one. If you want to search for other original articles, you may be interested in: Prada, Chloé, Hermès, and Chanel original bags spotting.